Spinal Cord Injury
Some major causes of spinal cord injuries are automobile accidents (especially rear-end collisions), motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, slip-and-falls, workplace injuries, medical negligence, automobile rollovers and falls from balconies, porches or decks. Any blunt force to the spine can cause damage to the spine and potentially cause permanent and significant physical limitations. If you have suffered a catastrophic spinal cord injury, we can help pursue your case and hopefully allow you to readjust or build a new life. Some of the potential damages we might seek in your case would include medical bills and expenses, nursing care, special equipment, physical therapy and vocational retraining.
Aggressive And Determined Representation For Spinal Cord Injuries
If you or a loved one has sustained a spinal cord injury, contact The Greene Law Firm so that we can go to work on your behalf. We will work aggressively on your behalf to recover for each and every injury you have sustained. Through litigation, it is our goal to recover enough assets that the injured party can receive the best treatment, therapy and rehabilitation after a spinal injury, including nursing care, special equipment, and physical and vocational training. Please contact us if you believe that you or a loved one has a claim arising from a spinal cord injury. We understand how devastating these injuries can be for individuals and families and we will work diligently to ensure that you are adequately compensated for your injury. Please call us at 502-430-0467 or fill out our online form.