Protecting The Rights Of The Injured


A slip-and-fall can cost far more than many people expect

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2025 | Premises Liability

Many people are initially dismissive about slip-and-fall injuries. They may not notice the signs of an injury immediately after they fall at a business. They might assume that all they have are a few bruises or scrapes to treat when they get home.

However, people can sustain relatively significant injuries when they slip and fall in a public location. People can sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) or break bones. They can also develop soft tissue injuries that might affect their quality of life and ability to work for some time.

Despite the dismissive attitude many people have about slip-and-fall situations, they can end up costing people tens of thousands of dollars in the long run. What makes a slip-and-fall potentially so expensive?

The cost of medical care

The age of the person who fell, their insurance coverage and the injuries they develop can all influence how costly their medical care might be. Broken bones require thousands of dollars in medical interventions. While having a cast put on is not necessarily expensive, the physical therapy required after the bone knits can be relatively costly. In cases involving spiral fractures or other comminuted fractures, the injured person may have to undergo surgery. TBIs can potentially cost tens of thousands of dollars or more in lifetime care costs as well.

The impact on earning potential

People with brain injuries, soft tissue injuries or broken bones may not be able to work after getting hurt. Broken bones often require a minimum of eight weeks to heal. TBIs could produce permanent symptoms that force people to change professions. The lost wages accrued while recovering and the lost earning potential generated by long-term symptoms can have major implications for an individual’s income.

Property damage losses

When people fall, any items in their possession at that moment are at risk of damage. Most people have digital devices with them while they are out in public. Depending on the device, it could be worth hundreds of dollars or more. Replacing or repairing that device might just be the tip of the iceberg. People could also damage designer clothing and handbags when they fall. They could also destroy expensive wristwatches or damage their jewelry. Someone flailing their arms might lose an engagement or wedding ring worth thousands. People could also potentially damage expensive jewelry during a fall, knocking a stone out and losing it.

People who slip and fall often need to notify management at a business about what happened. They may also need to see a doctor to check for signs of internal injuries. Pursuing a premises liability lawsuit after a slip-and-fall incident can potentially help people defray their losses. A successful lawsuit can lead to compensation for property damage expenses, medical bills and lost wages.